Lovet Planners Featured on Fox 13 News - The Perfect Holiday Gift!

Lovet Planners Featured on Fox 13 News - The Perfect Holiday Gift!

Looking for a unique holiday gift idea? Lovet Planners made its TV debut on Fox 13 News, featured as one of the must-have presents for the season!

Host Morgan Saxton and Lifestyle Advisor Dawn McCarthy showcased Lovet Planners during their "Sleigh Full of Presents" segment at Dawn's corner. Morgan introduced a variety of gift ideas, describing them as a "sleigh full of goodies."

As a Lifestyle Advisor, Dawn McCarthy, featured several products fit for the holidays and this included Lovet Planners Vision Board Kit!

This was Vision Book Deluxe Black Edition first LIVE television debut! 

She emphasized the kit's user-friendly features, such as tabs for different areas, making it easy to create dreams and goals.

Dawn, as a visual person, shared, "Remember, as we kick off 2024, this is a special gift for empowering women's dreams. When you see and visualize it, it can happen."

Dawn also explained that this kit includes a Vision Book Graphics Book, which is really helpful because " ..people don't really have time to flip through magazines"  and the graphics book is filled with images and quotes that you need. 

In conclusion, Dawn highlighted Lovet Planners as an "amazing gift to give to your girlfriends," making it a thoughtful and empowering present for the holiday season.


If you're ready to get a head start for your 2024 goals and dreams, consider using the Lovet Planners Vision Board Book Kit to help start you manifesting journey. And don't forget to explore our other manifesting tools in our Manifesting Collection! 

You can watch the full Fox 13 News - The Place Dawn's Corner segment at this link:

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