How to Use The Manifesting Journal

How to Use The Manifesting Journal

The art of manifesting tells us that it’s important to write things down. It helps bring focus and clarity. When you have both, it’s easier to manifest your goals. But a lot of times, you’ll buy a manifesting journal (or regular journal) and stare at the blank pages.

To help you get into the manifesting flow of things, the 12-week Manifesting Journal from Lovet Planners is a great place to start. It teaches you a structure that manifesting has so you can create your own flow of things.

Starting the Manifesting Journal

When you open the pages to the Manifesting Journal, the first thing you’ll notice is that this journal isn’t dated at all. It’s not 2022, 2023, or 2024 journals we offer at Lovet Planners. It’s a journal you make work to your schedule. Again, it’s not dated. So if you stop anywhere you aren’t cornered into making another purchase. Save on paper!

The opening of the Manifesting Journal gives you the following:

  • Letter To Your Future Self - Write a letter to your future self as if all your manifestations have come true. This is an exercise to get your mindset open to the possibilities you’re reaching for.
  • The One Thing - Learn how to write your ‘One Thing” statement. This is an intention you’re focusing on.
  • Manifesting 101 - Learn the ins and outs of manifesting, and what it looks like, and walk through frequently asked questions about manifesting.
  • Manifesting Warmups - Try 3 warmups in manifesting before you start your daily journaling.

Manifestation Bank

How do you use this section of the Manifesting Journal? Make a list of 7 goals that aren't long-term goals. So a list of things you know you want to accomplish in a short amount of time. These will be your practice manifestations.

You'll log them in the column labeled "I Am Manifesting...."

  • First column > Date > Is the date you're writing it down
  • Third column > Manifesting Date > Is your ideal deadline/goal date
  • Last column > Journal Page #'s > You can either write Days #1 - 7 in this column, or if you choose to continue journaling about these 7 goals, you can log additional day/page numbers that are relevant to the goal


  • Today is July 1st
  • I am manifesting...My Home Office
  • Ideally, I want My Home Office to be ready as soon as possible, but I'll be realistic with the date. Because there's unboxing and sorting that has to be done. I'm putting the Manifesting Date as "July 10th"
  • I'll leave the last column alone for now!
  • Turn the page to Day 1 of the journaling, and that's where I'll get to the finer points of my manifesting goal. "What do you want to manifest today?" I'll think of the action steps that lead to a finished home office. (example: I want to make sure all my documents are together, stored, and rearrange the room)
  • I'll then go back to that last column that hasn't been touched and write 1 (for day 1)
  • If I journal about it for a few more days, then I'll add those numbers too

Daily Journaling

The daily journal pages give you 5 important questions that slip people’s minds when trying to manifest their goals. You can either use these journaling pages for short-term or long-term manifesting goals. 

If you journal about long-term goals though, remember to think about the steps you need to take. Those steps can be split across journaling days like a “One Thing a Day” manifesting goal.

Weekly Reflections

Every 7 days in the Manifesting Journal, you’ll journal using the questions that’ll help you reflect on your progress so far. It’s recommended to do this separately from your daily journaling so that you journal about the road so far, not the day you just had.

What Next?

At the end of the 12-week Manifesting Journal, there will be a final set of reflection questions and a visual timeline you can fill in. Using this timeline, you log different milestones for each week with the journal.

Ready to start manifesting in the right direction? Pick up your copy of the Manifesting Journal at or this link.

P.S. - We send out curated intentions every month to our newsletter subscribers so make sure you’re signed up to receive updates via email. CLICK HERE NOW.

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