How To Use the Habit Tracker Notebook to Break Habits in 7 Steps

How To Use the Habit Tracker Notebook to Break Habits in 7 Steps

Breaking bad habits is rewarding.

It’s hard to get to the rewards though because you need to be 100% consistent with only yourself to rely on. There are tools that can help you be accountable for your habits.

Just this year, we at Shop Lovet Agency, released the Habit Tracker Notebook which is the perfect example of a tool that can get the job done. 

The Habit Tracker Notebook is a small saddle stitch notebook that approaches breaking bad habits by phrasing things positively. For example, you’re asked to write down your new fabulous habit instead of your bad habit

Crushing bad habits with healthy habits can be life-changing. People loved the Habit Tracker pages in the Lovet Weekly Planner so much that we wanted to make it more accessible to everyone with a low-cost option.

But how do you use the Habit Tracker?

Here’s how in just 7 steps.

How to Use the Habit Tracker Notebook

STEP ONE: Fill out the date.

You don’t have to wait until the start of a new month to begin using your Habit Tracker. The dates aren’t filled in and you can track your 30-day progress from any starting point, even any day of the week. 

STEP TWO: Write down your new habit you want to track.

My fabulous new habit is where you fill out the details of your new habit. Here are some examples of what can be written there. Keep in mind that habit options don’t have to be just for your body’s health:

  • Drink 7 glasses of water
  • Eat breakfast
  • Write 300 words for creative writing 

STEP THREE: Think about the significance of this new habit and write it down.

Why it’s important to me is where you write a brief description about what led you to start tackling this new fabulous habit. Don’t get too detailed because your answer may carry over to the next step.

STEP FOUR: Imagine the impact and write it down.

How am I going to feel when I’ve reached my habit goal is where you need to be honest with yourself. What is it about this new fabulous habit that’s going to alter your life? How? These words will act as a reminder to keep going when things are tough. 

STEP FIVE: Set a reward.

Treat yourself after 30 or 31 days of successfully accomplishing the new habit every day. The reward choice is up to you! We simply recommend not setting a reward that would set you back with this specific habit if you can. An example of that would be rewarding yourself of no smoking for 30 days with a cigarette.

STEP SIX: Track your progress.

At the bottom of each Habit Tracker page is a series of bubbles. They’re numbered by day. Again, you can start at any time since there are no dates prefilled! You can use any writing utensil (pen, pencil, highlighter, etc.) to check off a circle each day or you can use stickers.

Pro-tip: We do recommend using stickers because it’s almost like a visual treat each day and requires more focus than a quick checkoff from a pen. 

STEP SEVEN: Enjoy the reward.

That’s it. That’s the blog post!


We hope you enjoy your new journey of crushing bad habits by replacing them with fabulous ones. If you want to keep up to date with the latest blog posts, make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter: CLICK HERE NOW.
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