How To Remove Fear To Manifest What You Want

Fear—it’s something we all deal with. It’s our brain’s way of keeping us safe from danger. But when you’re trying to manifest your dreams, fear can sometimes throw you off track. The problem isn’t fear itself, but how you handle it. 

When you’re working on manifesting something, fear can make you extra aware of everything that could go wrong. This can either push you to take action or leave you stuck in a cycle of doubt and hesitation. Understanding how fear plays into the process can help you flip it into something useful.

Fear and anxiety can mess with your vibe, making it harder to attract what you want. When negative thoughts start piling up, they can drag you down into a spiral of worry and doubt.

If you catch yourself slipping into that negative mindset, it’s time to shift gears. Stop focusing on what could go wrong and start visualizing what you want to happen. By putting your energy into positive intentions, you can move past the fear and keep your eyes on the prize.

Remember, manifesting is all about where your mind’s at—your thoughts and energy shape your reality. By facing your fears head-on, you’ll be better equipped to manifest what you want and deal with any challenges that come your way.

How To Deal With Fear & Negative Thoughts? 

1. Self Awareness

The first step to overcoming fear and negativity is to recognize when you're caught up in negative thoughts and emotions. Awareness is key because once you’re aware of what’s happening, you gain the power to change it!

The more you practice observing your thoughts and feelings, the faster you'll be able to catch and shift them when negativity creeps in.

2. You Can Take Back Your Power 

After you’ve noticed you’re stuck in a negative mindset, the next step is to realize that you’re feeling this way because you’re focusing on what you don’t want.

Yep, that’s what’s going on. Whether you know it or not, you’re putting your energy into outcomes you don’t desire, which is why you’re feeling all that fear and frustration.

But here’s the upside: once you recognize this, you can change it.

As creative beings, our real power lies in where we choose to focus. The better you get at spotting those fears and negative thoughts, the quicker you can shift your focus—and the more awesome stuff you’ll start manifesting!

3. Ask Yourself, “What DO You TRULY Want” 

Now that you know your feelings are tied to focusing on what you don’t want, it’s time to ask yourself: What do I actually want?

As soon as you start thinking about what you do want, you’ll feel a sense of relief because you’ve just shifted your focus from the negative to the positive. This change in focus will immediately start to ease the fear and negativity around your manifestation.

4. Find Ways To Keep Your FOCUS 

Now that you’re clear on what you want and those negative vibes have faded, the final step is to stay focused on your goal.


There are lots of ways to do this, but one of the best is to create a vision board that shows the life you want. Vision boards help anchor you to your desired reality and keep your energy and thoughts aligned with your goals every day.

At Lovet Planners we believe in..

Embracing your journey, owning your destiny, visualizing your dreams, empowering yourself, and taking action, you can transform your life. 

Are you ready to create the life you deserve? Let’s make it happen together.



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