How to Maximize Engagement Using IGTV

How to Maximize Engagement Using IGTV

We’re back on our ish again talking about Instagram engagement! Instagram’s algorithm is a slippery slope of uncertainty. With the constant changes they make to the platform and how posts are viewed, Instagram users continuously battle using different tactics to increase their visibility or chances of their posts being seen. 

Have you ever stopped to consider using IGTV?

IGTV is one of the most popular features to date on the platform. Why? Because it allows for you to share video content that surpasses the 1 minute mark. IGTV is technically a standalone app that you can still access within the native Instagram app and it allows you to upload vertically oriented videos (1+ minutes runtime) from your phone or computer. 

This functionality operates differently from making a standard post to your Instagram profile. When you log into your Instagram account or to your IGTV account, you’ll notice that video content from people you follow is more likely to appear than standard posts. You can swipe through them similar to how you would go through the Instagram stories of people you follow. That content is pushed up and yes: you should 100% start considering creating content with IGTV in mind.

How do you go about getting started with IGTV?

1 | Film vertically. 

The IGTV experience is best viewed vertically, and while you can upload videos that are square ratio or format, it doesn’t give the full experience and viewers are more likely to tap out of the video thinking it’s an ad break or something.

2 | Think of the quality of the videos you’re uploading.

Not everyone on IGTV is using a pro camera. In fact, most IGTV users are filming on their phones which makes this platform a better playing field for Instagram users. What you can do though is try out different video editing apps to help your videos stand out from others using IGTV.

3 | Pay attention to your analytics.

The beauty about IGTV is that it’s a great way to gauge if you’re creating content that your audience likes. The analytics section of IGTV goes as far as pinpointing at what second mark in the IGTV video your viewers start losing interest on average and leaving. 

4 | Implement keywords into your description.

Just like you would a YouTube video, your IGTV video needs to have an efficient video description that locks in keywords. The keywords will help with the likelihood of it being seen in search results and the description overall is what hooks your potential viewer into starting that video.

5 | Talk about IGTV more with your followers.

Whether it’s mentioning IGTV in your post captions as a call-to-action or you’re posting previews of the IGTV videos in your stories, it’s great to promote your IGTV to increase viewership. 

Before you start creating IGTV content, look over the post types you have planned out in your Instagram Planner to determine what your audience is looking for. Test out different options and pay attention to the analytics as we mentioned in step 3! 

Now, what are you waiting for? Time is of the essence! Take these steps and tips to heart and get to planning your weeks and months to come! For more tips, make sure you’re signed up for our newsletter at and check out our other pro-tips and planner walkthroughs at the blog section of our site! Questions or comments? Drop a line below!

Featured image by @thekeybykate
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