Get Spring Cleaning Results with the Project Planner

Get Spring Cleaning Results with the Project Planner

Thoughts of spring cleaning typically come up around this month or next month, and while we’re in quarantine, there’s no reason for us to skip it. We know it feels tempting to just relax and ride this out without spring cleaning because we have no one coming over to play host to, but if you let this task just sit, it might bog down your mind more than you would like for it to. 

It’s already risky to let things slip by us right now. Most of us feel upset or disheartened by the current news and health climate, and that’s totally understandable. The most we can do right now - aside from staying at home - is to hold on to any form of normalcy possible and that includes projects or tasks on a timeline within our capabilities during the quarantine period.

Okay, okay. We’ll talk about the elephant in the room, too: Spring cleaning sucks. 

It seems more of a hassle to get started with spring cleaning than it actually is to carry it out, so what do we do in these cases? Well, we make a plan of course!

The best planner to pull this off from Lovet Planners is the Project Planner. Here’s how you can use the Project Planner to make sure you get Spring Cleaning out of the way 100% without any missing parts.

We’re going to start with the starting page for a project section where it shows steps to complete. Rather than steps, let’s treat this section as Rooms to Complete.


  • Office
  • Kitchen
  • Bedroom
  • Living Room
  • Dining Room
  • Bathrooms
  • Storage Space

The page that follows is for the Project Planning steps. What you’ll need to do for these pages is take one of the rooms and expand on what needs to be done there. Each home is different so you’ll assess what the major pain points are.

For example…


Case Scenario: Wow, I have so much paper and receipts just overflowing in this box here and I know I’m not going to do anything with them. Books need to be put away. They’re all over the place.

Plan of Action

  • Sort paper into different piles (to throw away, to file/keep)
  • Shred or recycle the “to throw away” pile
  • Put books back on respective shelves or put in storage

Let’s do one more example for the room that tends to have the most challenges: The Bedroom. And that’s because the bedroom also means your closets, drawers, etc. Lots of clothes to deal with!


Case Scenario: I have way too many clothes I’m not even sure I’ve worn this year. I guess it’s about time to downsize so that I can put more effort into clothes that will suit my style and wardrobe.

Plan of Action

  • Create three bins. One for donations, one for seasonal (to store), and one for to keep/hang back up.
  • Gut your closet and drawers so that you have no choice but to go through everything on the day you focus on your bedroom. 
  • Sort the clothes into the correct bins. 
  • Hang clothes back up. 
  • Research places to donate your donations bin.

Voila! You can start with the planning phase and map out what you’re going to do for each room. That way, when the day comes you want to pull this off (which should be sooner than later), you aren’t scrambling for a good starting point. You’ll know at the start of the project!

You ready to get to spring cleaning? For more tips, make sure you’re signed up for our newsletter at and check out our other pro-tips and planner walkthroughs at the blog section of our site! Questions or comments? Drop a line below!

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