5 Reasons Why You're Not The Same Person You Were In 2020

5 Reasons Why You're Not The Same Person You Were In 2020

Things have changed so much since 2019. 

We remember the flame of hope on New Year’s Eve on December 31, 2019. The world was counting down the moments to a new year; the new Roaring ‘20s. Everyone was ready to seize their moment.

But we didn’t expect what would happen next.

Life felt like it went on pause. 

It hasn’t been easy for everyone coping with the pandemic and it may be because isolating ourselves forces us to spend more time with ourselves and start self-reflecting. Self-reflection isn’t always a great feeling though. Sometimes it’s critical. We are, after all, our own worst critics. 

On the other end of the spectrum, self-reflection can be a stepping stone in the right direction towards personal growth. With the trials and tribulations brought on by Covid-19, we collectively moved forward on our own personal growth timelines.

You have come so far!

How have you changed though? We’ve got a hunch. 

Which one resonates with you?

“New Year, New Me!”

5 Reasons Why You’re Not The Same Person You Were In 2020

1. You are more aware of your mental and emotional health.

Even when you’re safe in your home, your mind is still dealing with the fact there’s an ongoing pandemic outdoors. You might’ve noticed a significant increase in stress or anxiety for various factors outside of your control, or maybe a few things in your control. The point is, all of that stacking eventually leads to a moment of something’s gotta give.

You’ve started doing things for your wellness, even in small self care actions like taking a hot shower, a long bath, or enjoying a nap. Many of us had a wake-up call about prioritizing our mental and emotional health, even if that meant having to decline a Zoom hangout on the weekend.

2. Your empathy and compassion have evolved.

Not saying that you weren’t empathetic and compassionate to begin with, but those interpersonal skills and characteristics about you have been taken to a new level with the ongoing pandemic. It’s been amplified. 

We’re all seeing the world differently. Well, a good number of people including you! Covid-19 has been painful for those immediately affected by it by loss or contracting it themselves. In order for it to subside, we have to be selfless and compassionate in this area.

Selflessness and self care are not mutually exclusive.

3. You are more resilient than ever.

Whatever struggles you had in 2020, you didn’t break from it. You’re standing here in 2021, and while you might need time to heal, you’re stronger than yesterday. 

“The oak fought the wind and was broken, the willow bent when it must and survived.”
― Robert Jordan, The Fires of Heaven

4. You are more grateful for the good things in life.

Gratitude is the greatest peacemaker for your soul and it helps reframe your mindset. It wasn’t too long after the pandemic that gratitude surged as people took to reminding themselves of their blessings. 

Keep it up this year. Gratitude can be a transformative journey.

“However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light.” 
– Stanley Kubrick

5. You’ve shown yourself capable of withstanding and adapting to change.

“Normal” is a weird word. Things have changed. To say 2020 was inconsistent is a big, big understatement. These inconsistencies in lifestyles and schedules can put a damper on things, but you made do with it. You dodged the curveballs and now you’re here!

Don’t forget to leave a comment letting us know which resonates with you the most!

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