3 Ways to Embrace Your Inner Goddess Every Morning

3 Ways to Embrace Your Inner Goddess Every Morning

(Photo by @iamzazel)

Rise and shine! Question to think on: When you wake up in the morning, how long does it take for you to determine if your day is going north or south? 

How we wake up and start our day can really impact the rest of our day, so we’re going to climb to the top of the roof and shout a reminder that you are a goddess and should start the morning off in a way that positively taps into your goddess energy. A goddess with a morning well-fueled? That’s boss energy in the making for the rest of the day!

First, you’ve got to remove any thought from your mind that’s saying you have to immediately dive into work as soon as you wake up or connect with anyone (texts, calls, etc.) because your mornings are pretty much like a canvas painting and you’ve got to lay the foundation down first. In other words, we’re saying it’s time you reserve your mornings for you and you only. 

As a team, Lovet Planners put together a list of 3 ways we embrace our inner goddess each morning for you to use as inspiration! You’re welcome to try out these 3 different options and we encourage you to come up with some of your own that works best for your goddess energy. 

3 Ways to Embrace Your Inner Goddess Every Morning

🌸Pour yourself a warm cup of coffee and turn on your favorite playlist.

There’s something about the smell and warmth of a coffee cup that’s nestled between your hands. Pair that with your favorite music and you wake up your different senses. It’s a delightful and zen experience for any morning routine.

(Photo by @shanen.mk)

🌸Daydream & Visualize!

It’s so silly to think about how daydreaming used to be looked down on when we were all in grade school, but in your adult years, visualizing (your goals) is just daydreaming except you know you’re capable of making that daydream a reality. Bring that cup of coffee or second cup of coffee over to your vision board and get lost in the beautiful visuals you put together! 

Pro-tip: Don’t have a vision board? The Vision Board Planner can help you get started. It has cutouts of empowering words, fill in the blank items, stylized quotes and images, and Bank of the Universe Checks!

🌸Enjoy yourself. 

Remember how we were talking about not immediately diving into work? One of our favorite tips we’ve received from peers is to avoid technology (specifically texts, calls, and social media) for at least 30 minutes to 1 hour after waking up! Doing this helps curve anxiety that might be on the horizon!

What’s another way you embrace your inner goddess in the morning? Share your answers with us by posting to Instagram stories or Twitter tagging @lovetplanners!

For more tips, make sure you’re signed up for our newsletter at lovetplanners.com and check out our other pro-tips and planner walkthroughs at the blog section of our site! Questions or comments? Drop a line below!
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