3 Rules of Manifesting Everyone Should Know

3 Rules of Manifesting Everyone Should Know

Manifesting is a process and anyone who dips their toes into it long enough knows that well.

There’s this notion that manifesting is all woo-woo and wishful thinking, but there are a lot of layers to manifesting. It’s pure will and intent in manipulating the situations and energies around you and within you to serve a positive purpose within your life, whatever the heart of the intentions may be. 

But when you’re manifesting there’s always the wonder of whether or not you’re doing something right; whether or not you’re doing something wrong.

So if you’re serious about manifesting, that means you’re open to continuously learn because it’s tethered to your willingness to grow as time passes. And that’s growth beyond the physical. Manifesting relies on your emotional growth and spiritual growth as you encounter different experiences and possibilities in your lifetime.

Back in the day, there were tons of books published that were called “Choose Your Own Adventures” and that’s essentially what the road to manifesting is all about. The paths you build, take, and the results that come forth help you make the next decision for yourself; reach the next mark and milestone.

So as you reach for these marks and milestones during your manifesting journey, what rules of manifesting should you take with you along the way?

The Lovet Planners crew put our heads together and narrowed things down to our Top 3 Rules of Manifesting that we think everyone should know.

Rule #1: Give up your addiction to immediate gratification.

What does that even mean? Here’s the thing… Society and the environments we’ve built for ourselves–real life and digital (social media)--have taught us to keep moving fast. And in the process of moving fast, we want to be happy fast.

But in the determination to be happy fast, that involves cutting corners. You indulge in tons of purchases, maybe you bend over backwards to make others happy so that you in-turn feel happy, and more. You’re creating short-lived highs of gratification because it was at the expense of time.

We learned to always want things “ASAP” but that gets in the way of our ability to connect with our manifestation energy and capabilities. The focus gets disrupted because what happens with immediate gratification and manifesting is that you give up on manifesting quickly

How can you work against the urge to be immediately gratified? Instead of focusing on what you don’t have right now, turn your attention to what you do have. Several things can exist at the same time starting with your gratitude for what you have now coexisting with your ambition for more.

Recommended: Try the Gratitude Journal from Lovet Planners. 

It’s undated so it’s a no-stress experience to help you meditate on what matters most in your life. Click here to check out the 100-Day Gratitude Journal.

Rule #2: Write everything down and we mean everything.

Do you know the quick way to a green (manifesting) thumb? Putting every thought and idea and wish to paper. When you journal and list out your visions and intentions, you activate an area of your mind that retains this information more likely than you would when you don’t write something down. 

We even think that it’s best to thoroughly journal your goals and dreams before you take things to a vision board. Why? Because you can match the words you write to the graphics and visuals that will represent that dream on your vision board.

Recommended: This is a two-parter for visual manifesters. 

  1. Define your visions and intentions in thorough detail using the Manifesting Journal.
  2. When you’re ready to make a vision board, use the Vision Board Planner and/or Vision Board Graphics book.

Rule #3: Make sure your heart and mind are in alignment. Do the self love work.

A life without self love is a blocked one. Why? Because when your wellness doesn’t allow for self love to thrive and you’re out of touch with yourself, bitterness and envy and other toxic energies easily work their way into your mind.

This makes it impossible for you to manifest your goals because one setback or misstep, and your lack of self love will make it difficult to cope and recover. Self love teaches you how to adapt and work through situations, and you’ll need that just as much on the road to making your dreams your reality. 

When you embrace a life of self love, you amplify your confidence. And it is in confidence and self-esteem that you find your manifesting power. So do the inner work! The self love work. Your personal growth and the desire to develop all areas of your life is connected to the effectiveness of your manifestations.

Recommended: Try the 90-Day Self Love Spark from Lovet Planners.

This is a 90-day spiraled journal that’s divided into three parts: Your Past, Your Future, and Your Present. Through unique, tailored questions, you get an introspective experience in self love and empower yourself to improve the relationship you have with yourself.

We hope you enjoyed our roundup of Top 3 Rules of Manifesting the Lovet Planners team thinks everyone should know. Which one was your favorite? Leave a comment below.

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