15 Affirmations For Positive Thinking

15 Affirmations For Positive Thinking

There’s so much power in positive thinking. In fact, in the Journal of Behavior Research and Therapy March 2016, a study was published with a focus on positive thinking. In this study, researchers from Kings College in London recruited and observed 102 participants with an anxiety disorder. They were broken up into four groups:

  • Group #1: Tasked with visualizing an image of a positive outcome to three worries giving them grief or stress in the last week.
  • Group #2: Tasked with thinking of verbal positive outcomes to worries.
  • Group #3: Tasked with visualizing a positive image for themselves whenever worries arise.

At the end of the study, the two groups that were tasked to visualize a positive image reported a decrease in anxiety and greater happiness.

Without crossing into toxic positivity, positive thinking can be encouraged with affirmations. You can use affirmations to pave the way for more positive thoughts to flood in and shift the vibe. In this blog post, we share 15 affirmations to encourage positive thinking.

1. I find joy in the simple things in life.

Use this affirmation to narrow your focus to other joys in life that might not get as much attention as the grander things.

2. I look forward to the opportunities heading my way.

Shift your energy with this affirmation and silence doubts. You have great things in store for your path!

3. I am in charge of how I feel today. 

Prioritize the things within your control with this affirmation and over time, feel the lightness on your heart and mind.

4. If a door closes, I will open a new one.

If a chapter unexpectedly finishes, remember the book isn’t over. You’re the author. Use this affirmation to remind yourself that it’s never over!

5. I will strive for complete; not perfect.

The need to be perfect is a mentally and emotionally taxing mindset. Break free from it! Strive for completion over perfection.

6. I believe in myself.

Sometimes having your own back is enough. You are enough. Show up for yourself with this affirmation.

7. Today is a fresh start and I will thrive.

You rise with the sun and are capable of making it through the day. Use this affirmation to remind yourself, “You’ve got this!”

8. I am seen and I am heard.

At times, it may feel like nobody is listening to you or cares about you. It’s more important for you to understand how you are feeling. This affirmation offers comfort while you gain clarity because the attention to your needs - including being heard - is necessary.

9. Each day, I become a better version of myself.

Every day is an opportunity to learn and grow with each experience. You woke up with lessons from the day before. Use this affirmation to remind yourself of how you are an always-evolving person.

10. My mind is absolutely beautiful.

You are beautiful, intelligent, and confident. Nurture positive thinking by zoning in on your self-esteem with this affirmation.

11. I allow good things to flow into my life.

Remember that time doesn’t stop. Things are always flowing into your life. You do have some agency in allowing what flows into your life. That’s why it’s okay to take social media breaks for your mental health!

12. Challenges are my stepping stones.

Challenges are temporary and bring you closer to a lesson or purpose. This affirmation works to keep the end-goal at the forefront of your mind.

13. I trust the woman I am today.

Trust is everything and the trust in yourself isn’t questionable. Put your faith and trust in yourself as you go about your day.

14. I will create my own light.

If things seem dark, create your own light whether it be through making a difficult decision or trying something new. There are ways to create your own light. How you create it is up to you.

15. I will seek the positive during dark storms.

If you can look at a storm and be in wonder of how beautiful the lightning is, you can find things to appreciate in other circumstances as well. Use this affirmation as a reminder of that perspective.

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